About me.

My name is Renae Lamb.

I am a proud descendant of the Wiradjuri/Wongaibon people of central west NSW. My ancestral community ties are vast and wide within the central west NSW; however, my family and I strongly identify with the Dubbo, Tangie, Dandaloo and surrounding communities.

These communities hold significant cultural and family importance as this is where my father Charles (Charlie) Lamb was raised and the location where many family members have been laid to rest, including my paternal grandparents and their parents before them. I have a large immediate and extended family presence still within these communities. 

I was born and raised of the homelands of the WANNARUA, AWABAKAL and WORIMI communities these areas are also wear I attended school and graduated from university with a Batchelor of Arts Minor in Education and Major in Global indigenous studies, these are also the areas where I grew up watching my father run his greyhound farm who has been my biggest inspiration of achieving within my dreaming and never giving up on succeeding within your dreaming this is also wear I have known birth and raised my three children as a single mother, in the Karuah/Swan Bay community on Worimi country. 

Country gives me a deep pride and sense of belonging when I feel my ancestors within me guiding me through my creations, and connections from loved ones up above, I feel strong I feel honored with a sense of belonging and acceptance of the authentic and Unice me, who loves to create and share for a better purpose of life and a stronger dreaming to survive, without this there is no me and I have no purpose to breath.

Ngyaguyamilang, Dhlulbong.

Beautiful Sole From my homeland the Wiradjuri people.